The Bewlay Brothers
Songs From The Mind-Warp Pavilion
Stephen Wakefield ‘Waka’ & Lenny Mustarde
After a two year stint in the Seventh Line-Up of Tubesnake, Waka left the band in June 2003 and decided to amuse himself by playing with his newly purchased Fostek portable recording studio and drum box. That summer he recorded a mix of 11 Bowie songs & instrumentals and invited me over in the September to add lead vocals to 6 of the tracks. Two years later, in September 2005, I added my vocals to 5 of 6 more new tracks he’d just laid down. This was a total Waka project. He is responsible for all musicianship, backing vocals, recording, mixing and production. I just sang the main bits. His love of Bowie just exceeds my own. It was a total pleasure! Anyway, things move on and if you didn’t catch Waka fronting his band The Glammed followed by his next band Assume Nothing then you should be able to catch him now, fronting The Diamond Dogs … Lenny
I was pleased with the way the songs turned out and thought they would benefit from being sung by a “proper” singer. So, step forward my good friend and like-minded soul Len, who I knew was a big Bowie fan like myself and would enjoy putting his own stamp on some of these songs! Give them a listen and hopefully enjoy! … Waka
Here’s a selection from those sessions. PLAY LOUD!
“Soul Love”

Recording: Fostex VF160 Portastudio
Guitars: Epiphone Sheraton, Les Paul Custom, Les Paul Standard
Bass/Keyboards/Sax: Roland JV1010 sample box played on Roland Juno 1 keyboard
Drums: Zoom RT23 drum machine